English Language Prog
The purpose of the English Language Academic Program is to help students improve their English language understanding and abilities, this will, therefore, help the student have a remarkable academic degree program at the university.
We offer English language programs to help our students succeed and prepare them to study in USA for an undergraduate or graduate degree. A student who successfully complete the Academic English language program with us is qualified and ready to take their pathway program of choice in the USA.
Our program is designed to train you and help you become a better English speaker, this will help student so much in their studies and classes in the university.
The Academic For English Program are:
- General English
- Academic English
- College Year Abroad
- Study Abroad with English
The Academic English program is specially designed to prepare students for their university study abroad. This program will:
- Develop ѕtudеnt’ѕ speaking, lіѕtеnіng, reading аnd writing skills
- Prepare students for TOEFL exam
- Provide student with the needed academic study skills to succeed and make a meaningful impact in US universities
There are multiple start dates that are offered for the program commencement throughout the year. There are also program levels which range from beginner to advanced.
Study Abroad with English program is a very lucrative long-term program that combines Academic English study with the opportunity to take academic courses at the university level.
Some of the Program highlights are to help students:
- Earn college credits in their field of interest
- Live and study in top-ranked US Research University
- Student can customize their program based on their level of English and academic interests
Who is the program for?
English Language Academic Program is designed for students who are already enrolled in a degree program or undergraduate program in a university at their home country but wish to study in America.