It can be quite challenging to study medicine in the USA, but for those having a passion and are willing to put in the required effort, it is undoubtedly worth the hard work. When a student graduates, he is able to have the skills for the people in need, and this can indeed make a real difference in their lives, and that is worth hours of hard work.
Students, who would love to be faced with new and challenging experiences, and help people, may study medicine in USA. Though the path can be long and hard, the reward for such students who would like to study medicine is a well-paying and secure job that you may be proud of.
[cws_sc_embed url=’’ width=’600′ height=’500′]Process of studying medicine in the USA
Normally, it takes four years to complete medical school. There may be three to seven years of residency after that, where the students are required to undergo supervised training in the specific field of focus. The international students, who need any additional training or would like to sub-specialize in an area, are also allowed to do a fellowship, and this can give 1 to 4 more training years.
The education a student receives is intensive, and it is a full-time activity. The first year will be requiring a considerable amount of memorization, with different classes like anatomy, pathology, histology, and biochemistry is likely for the first year. These classes are classroom and lab-based and offer a student both academic and first-hand knowledge of the human body.
Usually, a gross anatomy class may consist of an hour of a lecture followed by several hours of lab, where the students will be dissecting animals or cadavers to get a first-hand experience of what the real bodies may look like and act like.
Throughout the education, the student also goes through clinical rotations. This helps the student understand how to interact with the patients and allows seeing what the future career as a doctor may be like. As the student will be approaching the completion of a degree, the clinical rotations will get more and more frequent.
In order to get a Medical Doctor’s degree in the United States, it is necessary that the applicant passes the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) test that is also called the Board exam. It is separated into three parts that are taken throughout the education. Usually, the first part is after the second year of medical school, the second is during the fourth year, whereas the third part is after the first year of residency. Each of the tests is different, and these tests are meant to make sure that one can meet specific standards set for education.
Admission requirements:
Different medical schools have other requirements, so it is always good to double-check these with the schools in order to make sure. To understand how to study medicine in USA, one needs to complete a four-year pre-medical undergraduate degree in a relevant subject.
The student needs to demonstrate scientific knowledge in Biology, organic, and general Chemistry. For this particular reason, many students go for undergraduate Biology or Chemistry programs, as this helps them with their MCAT.
Some Universities require that during medicine, the candidates should study general Chemistry for one year with lab, including vertebrae zoology. The students who tend to choose a major in Social Sciences or Humanities are also expected to take such science courses. In order to check the requirements of the medical school, it is always better to go for their website.
A good MCAT score gets very important to study medicine in USA because it is able to determine the acceptance of a student into a right University. The MCAT tests the scientific knowledge and the ability to think critically; therefore, it is critical for a student to put in a lot of effort to revise. This test must be taken a year before the student intends to start studying medicine, as this can make sure that he/she is able to register for the MCAT on time.
Cost of study medicine in USA
In the USA, the annual tuition fees and health insurance at the public medical schools average $37,500 for the state residents, and for the non-residents, it costs around $62,000. The tuition fees at the private schools average $60,500 for the residents and $62,000 for the non-residents. It is worth noting that the figures may not include housing or living expenses.
The international students seeking permission need to be prepared to cover all the costs of their medical training because there are no scholarships available. For the federal student aid, only the US citizens and permanent residents are eligible, which may include Direct PLUS loans or Direct Unsubsidized loans.
In the majority of cases, international students are required to secure the institutional or private loans that the medical schools offer. In some cases, the medical institutions need the applicants to prove that they have sufficient financial resources to pay for the entire four-year period of medical school, or they will need the applicants to have all the amount in an escrow account. The international students need to talk to the admissions staff and the financial aid office at the medical schools that they are interested in attending. This will help them to find what financing options might be available for them.
Need to know more about study in the USA
Bottom Line
Because of the cost, length of education, and overall challenge, not everyone can study medicine in USA. Only those students who love to be challenged and have a real passion for medicine can choose to study it. It is also worth knowing that the financial toll of 4 or more years might be too high, especially for the ones who go to a private college. However, if you think that you are up for the challenge and plan to study medicine in USA, you will be able to receive some of the best education in the world for one of the noble degrees.
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